Custom house plans as little as $.65 per sq. ft. 

There is a minimum charge of $350 per house plan.  

There is a flat $15.00 shipping charge to all orders that ship in the US

1. A set of house plans include 3 sets of plans:
General Notes (page 1)Back elevation (page 5)
Foundation plan (page 2)       Right elevation (page 6)
Floor plan (page 3)         Left elevation (page 6)
Electric. Plan (page 4)                       Stair detail (page 7)
Front elevation (page 5)          Wall section (page 7)
     APA wall bracing (page 8)
Story ½ & multi level houses will have more pages about (4 more sheet)

2.    Optional Basement plan is $.30 per sq. ft. with the purchase of a plan

3. Optional Framing plan $.10 per sq. ft. with the purchase of a plan

4.Optional 3D Elevations $.25 per sq. ft. with purchase of plan

Additions / Deck Plans / Garage Plans
5. Additions are minimum $350.00. call for priceing for your project. (Note optional 3D, Materials List, & Framing Plan are available)

Copies & Electronic Files
6.  Extra drawings cost more (Black & White prices)
C size 18”X24”          $2.00             PER PAGE20 bond
D size 24”X36”$4.00  PER PAGE20 bond

7. PDF set  $50.00 with the purchase of a plan

8.Soft Plan File 1000.00 with the purchase of a plan

Cost of plans

Call for a quote (636) 390-3860
email me